There was an area of the temple in Jerusalem called Solomon’s colonnade or Solomon’s portico — a large, covered space like a porch. In John chapter 10, we read that Jesus taught there. And in Acts 5, it was a space the disciples would regularly gather to talk about what Jesus had done in their lives. That’s the inspiration for Solomon’s Porch; a testimony publication available digitally and in limited-print.

Issues will be published quarterly and include a letter from the editor, five testimonies from members of our church family, a page on how to know Jesus, church news, highlights for the quarter, and Scripture.

Sharing our testimony is edifying and unifying for our church, and we want to provide a space for that important ministry.

Solomon’s Porch is a resource for you to share the love and truth of Jesus with your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. Pick up a physical copy or checkout the digital version and pass it along!